Part 21. Human History: The Early Stage. Hallucinogenic Gods. Atlantis and Egypt

Part 21. Human History: The Early Stage. Hallucinogenic Gods. Atlantis and Egypt

The history of the human race is incredibly long. It began in other worlds, different from ours, and will continue in other worlds. The history we know is only an extremely small part, and we have not even reached the middle of it yet.

Let’s now look at this fragment of the history of humankind from Adam to the present day. Now we need to analyze how this magical world was formed, which practically dominated the earth until the onset of Western civilization.

We continue to keep in mind the hadith from Imam Ali (A): lil batyli jawla wa lil haqqi dawla – “lies have their own period, and truth has its own realm.” The period where there will be the “realm of truth” is still in the future. We are living in a period of lies. This period is a time of trial when everyone is given the freedom to do what he wants in order that everyone’s essence may be fully manifested, and people will have no argument before their Creator.

During this period, there is the call of the Prophets and Imams, and there is an opposite stream – the process of anti-appeal, which at the individual level of each person corresponds to nafs ammara, “the soul that enjoins evil.” And just as the Prophets and Imams are the intellect of world history, the opposing forces are the jahl of world history, its darkness, evil, and ignorance.

And we have said that the inside corresponds to the outside. Just as the outer world has heaven and earth, every person has inner heaven and earth: intellect (aql) and body. Just as there are external Prophets, every person has an internal prophet, and this is his intellect (aql). And just as inside a person there is nafs ammara, which is the substance of passions and sins, so external history has its own nafs ammara: deceitful ideologies and institutions built on oppression and violence. And the history of all humankind is like the history of one person. “Your creation and your resurrection is not but as that of a single soul” (31: 28).

There is the program of the Almighty, the program of the Prophets, which seeks to organize the human world in a certain way outlined in revelation. And there is a program of black demonic worlds that constantly carry out attacks on our world, acting through the mind of people, through their nafs ammara. This program is as opposed to the program of the Prophets as the human form is opposite to the satanic one. So, the demons strive to turn the inner human form of the inhabitants of our world into a satanic one.

The more all parts of a person – vegetable, animal, mental – are turned to the intellect (aql), the more its mathal (example) and its light are manifested in this person. And turning to intellect is possible only through the revelation of the Prophets and the guidance of the Imams. Vice versa, the more the humans deviate from this, the more mathal and the darkness of universal jahl (ignorance) invade their structure. So, when a person leaves the leadership of the Prophets and Imams, he sinks into ignorance and turns away from intellect.

The soul was created following the intellect. It is the form in which the light of the intellect is clothed. But as one departs from the original fitra, his soul leans toward jahl, becoming black. And along with this retreat, the intellect itself turns into jahl (ignorance) – not in its essence, but its reflection, just as the light of the Sun, reflected from a black mirror, becomes darkness. So the soul becomes insane instead of rational.

At the historical level, this corresponds to the stream of collective, social insanity embodied in false ideologies and systems of power. All these types of pagan discourses, from which the secular ideologies of our time will later grow, are the veils (hijabs) of Jahl, expressions of nafs ammara in history, which cover the truth of intellect, that is, the truth of the Prophets. So the human race on this earth revolves between shirk and kufr, except for the “sincere servants of Allah.”

We see that the origin of all evil in this historical period is that man takes upon himself something that he cannot bear. He claims what does not belong to him, as was the case with Adam in the story of the Forbidden Tree. Humans destroy this leadership system given by the Almighty and begin to build their own. Here the evil begins – the great historical evil in the true sense.

Indeed, We offered the Trust (amanat) to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it; but man [undertook to] bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant” (33: 72). According to hadiths, this verse means Wilaya. Heaven, earth, and mountains refused to bear the Wilaya, but the man began to claim it, having no right to do so. And here is the source of all tyranny and oppression until the Day of Judgment. Imam Sadiq (A) says, “And all the Prophets did not cease to keep this Trust (amanat, which Allah offered to the heavens, earth, and mountains) and pass it on to their successors and sincere ones from their communities, and refused to bear it, and were afraid to claim their position, knowing that the root of all oppression and injustice is in this until the Day of Judgment.

So it was as follows. The original religion of the human race is Monotheism, which was Adam’s religion. We said that the human Haikel is a structure of Monotheism, and the history of man on earth began with the truth. As time went on, people began to deviate from this path gradually. Cain killed Abel, as you know, and so a lie arose… Islam does not accept the naive theory of progress, widespread in the last two centuries, according to which at first there were some hairy savages who did not even know how to speak, and then they gradually evolved, created civilization, and moved on to modern scientific and technological progress. No, first, there were perfection and truth embodied in our father and prophet Adam.

Human nature has never changed: today’s man is absolutely no different in his structure and abilities from people who lived, say, 50 thousand years ago. That is, all these tales about some “Neanderthals” or “cavemen” are quasi-scientific nonsense, like fantasies that the brain generates a thought. Man came into this world fully formed, perfect, and will be so until the Day of Judgment. And, by the way, this is confirmed by the fact that the ancient languages ​​were much more perfect than ours.

Once linguists and supporters of the theory of progress were puzzled by the following fact: it turned out that human languages ​​do not become more complicated over time. On the contrary, they are simplified. The ancient languages ​​were very complex; there were many conjugations and cases, a vast vocabulary. For example, just to study the Sanskrit in which the Vedas are written takes many years. The same is true for classical Arabic. Over time, languages ​​become simpler in grammar, syntax, phonetics.

However, if initially in place of man, there were some savages who could not even think normally, then why did they need such complex languages ​​that could express much more shades of meaning than modern ones? For example, the classical Arabic (fusha) in which the Quran is revealed is much more expressive, poetic and perfect than modern Arabic dialects, which no longer have a complex structure, omit cases, endings, dual number.

If we read the speeches of Imam Ali (A) collected in “Nahj ul-balaga,” we will find there an incredible wealth of linguistic means. Even modern Arabs no longer understand this language in many ways; special comments are needed. Because that Arabic had a huge number of words and synonyms, many of them simply disappeared from the modern language.

Today’s languages ​​of some of the tribes and peoples in Africa are incredibly rich. In World War II, Navajo was used by Americans for encryption because of its complexity. There are 6 thousand verb forms in the Chippewa Indian language…

So, if the ancient man was “primitive,” as pseudoscience tries to convince us, that is, his whole life was reduced to bringing food to a cave or producing offspring, then why did he have such a wealth of language? Language is not just a means of transmitting thoughts. Language is thinking itself. Perfection of language means perfection of thought.

It turns out that the thinking of ancient people was more perfect than ours, and our thinking is primitive? That is, a modern man who went into space and created computers – is his thinking actually more primitive than the thinking of some cattle breeder 10 thousand years ago?

This is both so and not so at the same time. The thinking of modern man is more primitive because his reality is more primitive. Language arises on the border of reality and mind. Our reality consists exclusively of the phenomena of this physical world and operations with it, and therefore we do not need a complex language. Whereas the reality of that people went far beyond the physical one. People in that era lived with one foot here and the other “there,” in the Barzakh, in the world of images. That is, they walked back and forth, so to speak, between the worlds. Hence, their completely different ideas about the world and cosmology seem ridiculous to the modern man with his one-dimensional science. Let’s say that this Sun – it was not separated in the mind of that people from its prototype in Barzakh, and there the Sun is different; it is spiritual, let’s say. It not only warms physically, but it also gives a kind of spiritual warmth.

That’s why they needed complex languages. Those people interacted with layers of reality that modern man simply forgot and excluded from his experience.

Modern man is incomparably higher than the ancient in the sphere of relations with the physical world. However, with regard to relations with reality in general, he is incomparably lower. He deliberately refused contact with whole spheres of reality. Therefore, he has de facto no longer needed a complex language.

In fact, human reality is becoming more and more simplified. A “primitive” man is just the modern man. Complex art, literature, and poetry are gradually dying out in our world. In mass culture, the language generally turns into a conditioned signal system. “Clip thinking” appears. Man ceases to understand complex things. He develops technically but degrades culturally, spiritually, and morally.

We’ll talk more about this in future series of this book, but now let’s go back to the time of Adam. It is difficult to give exact dates, but it is clear that we must talk about tens of thousands of years ago. People gradually multiplied and began to inhabit the earth, wandering through the fertile areas in small groups and obtaining food for themselves by hunting, gathering, or cattle breeding. These people used to be called “primitive,” but in fact, they were absolutely no different from us, except for their social organization. Yes, they did not have modern technology, did not extract oil and launch rockets into space, but they didn’t need it at all, because then there were still few people, and they received everything they needed from the earth, from its fruits and animals, which it was enough for them.

The hallucinating leaders called “shamans” began to emerge in these groups. Actually, shamanism was the first form of pagan initiation. The main function of the shaman was to induce ecstasy in society. He is a master of ecstatic removal of human boundaries going “to the other side.” The shaman is a combination of a schizophrenic and a contemplator.

And if we look at the myths of diverse, seemingly unrelated peoples, we will see that the symbol of the World Tree constantly appears there. Gods, demigods, and heroes are constantly chasing the fruit of this Tree. They steal an apple, take possession of a certain “woman,” “sleeping beauty” (the symbol of the Tree), and so on. That is, there is a certain principle of cosmic, universal power being pursued here. Hercules picks the fruit of immortality in the garden of the Hesperides, Gilgamesh sets out on a voyage to find the tree of life. Having stood against the crushing wind, Mithra comes to the World Tree and tastes its fruits. By the way, our New Year tree is also an echo of that symbolism; it is a symbol of the World Tree.

This also includes most folk tales, where a prince or just some commoner becomes king through the mastery of a mysterious princess, a “sleeping beauty.” (The princess here symbolizes occult abilities and the same World Tree). And for this, he needs to go through initiatory tests, fight with the “dragon” that guards the princess’s tower.

Here we are talking about the same plot of the “upward ascent,” which has always been the dream of mankind. In all myths and religious systems, there are echoes of the fact that a person “fell “from some higher level. And the main goal of magical or contemplative aspirations was to restore the lost paradise. Because man was created as a khalif, as a viceroy of the Creator on earth. It doesn’t matter on what earth: on this earth, the earth of Barzakh, or the earth of even higher worlds. Because all the worlds have their own earth and their own heaven. Man was created as a khalif on earth, this is his royal dignity. But now it is lost. And in order to restore it, a person must grasp the rope of a higher viceroy, Wali.

And then there is a fork in the road, there is a divergence. Because the Prophets call to grab hold of Wali (which is the light of the Creator, shining over the Throne and the Tree of knowledge and power). But people grab onto their nafs ammara, “the soul that enjoins evil,” the rope of Iblis – and invent a kind of replacement, the ersatz of prophecy, i.e., the magical, contemplative discourse. They associate power with magic – instead of the link between power and Infallibility (knowledge) that comes from God. That is, opposite the prophetic discourse and sacred power (imamate) stands such a terrible and dark thing as magical power based on trance manipulation of cosmic forces. Practices for finding Paradise Lost and the World Tree become the sound of the voice of Iblis.

Of course, Prophets kept coming to them all this time, exhorting and instructing them. They killed some of them, expelled others, sometimes responded to their call, then retreated again… We know very little about this period since there are no written sources. At the same time, various oral canons were formed, based on the psycho-delirium of shamans, such as Proto-Veda.

Then, about ten thousand years ago, the first agrarian settlements, that is, cities, appeared. What is called the transition to civilization has taken place. The number of people has increased, and they learned to cultivate the land and get a constant harvest from it. It happened in the Middle East, in the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates, that is, on the territory of modern Iraq. An agrarian civilization arose, which began to cultivate land in river beds. And since they can’t take the ground with you, they left their nomadic way of life and began to settle there on a permanent basis. This is how the first cities arose. From here, these agricultural technologies and, in general, the whole new sedentary-urban way of life began to spread to other regions – Egypt, the Nile Valley, India, Crete, China.

It was already a different model, as people began to move from wandering the earth in small clan groups ruled by charismatic shamans and leaders to complex social organization, to a structured urban society with thousands and tens of thousands of people living in a small area, and later hundreds of thousands. Its structure was already different. The shaman became a king, and the temple became the center of hallucinogenic inspirations. The king is the same shaman but in a new function. It is likely that the ancient royal dynasties directly descended from even more ancient shamanic dynasties. In any case, these were magical dynasties.

So, here arises such a terrible thing as the power of man over man – the power based on violence and institutionally formed power. The power of one person who is not infallible, not purified, over other such sinful people. We find this in the Quran in the figures of Nimrud or the Pharaoh, who says, “I am your highest Lord.”

The structure of society is beginning to become more complex. Previously, people simply extracted what they needed for food from the earth’s surface, but now, it has become possible to create an additional product due to the emergence of agriculture. For example, a thousand people work on earth, but they make a product that can feed three thousand. It turns out that two thousand people can be freed from direct work on the land and be engaged in something else – crafts, priesthood, government, military campaigns.

The first states and empires appear. Early humans lived in small communities where power was contractual. Now the first monsters are emerging, apparatuses of violence and oppression alienated from the people, based on the deified power of the king. That is, the order of Iblis is being formed, which continues to this day, because the period from Adam to the arrival of Imam Mahdi is the period of the realm of Iblis, as we have already said.

And that’s where such a thing as polytheism, in the common sense of the word, comes in. And it cannot be ruled out that the first gods were the magical kings themselves, who were at the head of the social pyramid. Fundamental occult sciences are taking shape, like the one that was in Egypt and served as an aid to the power of the pharaohs, or the proto-Kabbalah in Babylon.

And from those times until now, madness and mental pathology have become constant companions of power, its unchanging shadow. You probably know from literature or movies such a typical figure as the “mad king,” like Shakespeare’s King Lear… In other words, power is clothed in pathology, it feeds on its substance and lives with it. Thus, power, mystery, magic, and madness become three intersecting, inseparable elements in this period.

Of course, this madness was no longer spontaneous, as it was pretty much still with shamans but clearly ritualized. The entire life of the king was embraced by a complex of ceremonies, rituals, and symbols, the main goal of which was to frame madness in a specific framework so that society could function along with it. And even after the king’s death, this ritual continued.

Interestingly, we find exactly the same structure in the American civilizations separated from the Old World by the ocean – the Incas, the Aztecs, and the Maya. We see that the center of their cities were also temples built in the same form of a pyramid or ziggurat. We meet the same idols, ceremonies, kings-gods. That is, the outward ornaments and expressions are different, but the patterns are the same. Since all physical contacts and adoptions are excluded here, we explain this by the similarity of human nature itself. Through their hallucinatory system, all these civilizations are connected, so to speak, to one network, one “Wi-Fi.”

Idol was considered the master of the city and the owner of all its people and property. He stood in the upper chamber of the temple, anointed with incense, encrusted with jewels, and dressed in precious clothes. 

The daily rituals consisted of washing, dressing, and spraying scented perfumes on the main idol and the lesser idols. Tables with exquisite food were placed in front of them. They were carried around the city with signs of reverence on feast days.

Eyes played a special role in the figure of the idol. As a rule, they occupied at least 20 percent of its volume. The idol was usually a head with huge eyes. Large gems were often inserted into the eye sockets. Such a statue in itself made a hypnotic impression. The very appearance of these idols resembles the creatures that schizophrenics see in their delirium. Today’s schizophrenics, using modern vocabulary, often describe them as “aliens” or something like that. Often these idols had irregular proportions, large ears, absurdly huge heads. This is how modern schizophrenics describe the characters of their hallucinations.

It is significant that in a pagan society, there is no idea of ​​ insanity. Madness was a normal or even extraordinary phenomenon. Therefore, there is no idea of ​​insanity as a deviation from the norm. Idiocy, yes, but not insanity. We don’t find any mention of it in the Vedas or the Iliad.… If a person heard voices, saw some creatures, he was considered not crazy but normal. And even more, he became a sacralized, revered figure.

And if we take the ancient monuments of literature, such as Homer’s Iliad, we will find there such a strange thing from the point of view of a modern person: there is no mention of people’s consciousness. There is not even such a word. Whenever the hero has to make a decision, a voice appears dictating what to do. These voices were considered “gods.” That is, the picture of humanity in the Iliad is, to put it simply, schizophrenic. People are ruled by certain voices, not their own consciousness. These gods or voices are what we now call “hallucinations.”

And therefore, the Quran says that your gods are nothing. It seems to you that they are gods, but they are just a hallucination. But not a hallucination with no background. There are specific forces behind it, i.e., the streams inhabiting the subtle reality. But what you take them for is an illusion.

Further in these societies, a college of priests appears, which was supposed to regulate the streams of hallucinations and somehow deal with them. Therefore, acquaintance with pagan mythology leaves the impression of a completely insane, constantly growing delirium. Soon, consciousness ceases to be guided in the intricacies of these murders, incests, dismemberments, and intrigues of the gods, and you understand that any attempts to discover even the slightest meaning in all this are doomed. This is what we talked about: a person’s attempt to put himself in the center of things, in place of Wali, ends with a fall into the darkness of insanity and schizophrenic delirium.

And at the end of this part, I want to say a few words about some interesting things from the field of “alternative history.” We have said that a developed urban society first appears in the Tigris and Euphrates valleys, on the territory of modern Iraq. At least, these are the data of modern historical science.

But there is an alternative hypothesis, according to which the age of Egyptian civilization is actually about 20 thousand years old, and maybe even more. The fact is that clear traces of water erosion are visible on the body of the Sphinx. Schwaller de Lubicz was the first to notice this (a colorful figure in himself, alchemist, occultist, who spent 15 years in Egypt studying these monuments, and eventually wrote the book “Temple of Man”)… If you search for a photo of the Sphinx, you can see that its body is badly eroded by water on the sides. It is not as it was originally (there is later brickwork, it was put in recently just to reduce the impression of this destruction). But how could water have done such serious damage?

For this, the Sphinx must have been under water for a long time or washed by water not in the amount in which precipitation falls there now or in the observed era… Because for the last 5 thousand years, there has been a desert.

This means that the Sphinx is much older than generally accepted. And if the Sphinx was under water for a long time, this can only point to some extraordinary event, some catastrophe that flooded that area. It couldn’t be the Nile flood because the Sphinx is too high above the level of that river. We are talking about a much larger event. And the dating of the time of Sphinx sinking – about 10 thousand years ago – coincides with the time of the sinking of Atlantis, named by Plato.

This, by the way, answers the main objection of the official Egyptologists against the antiquity of the Sphinx. They say, “If the Sphinx is much older than we claim, then where is the civilization that built it? Where are its traces and remains? Show us some temples, graves, pots.” But if that civilization died in a catastrophe and nothing is left of it?

So we get a pretty clear picture of the worldwide flood described by revelation. In what sense was it worldwide? In the sense that the center of that civilization was flooded completely, gone to the ocean floor, and a giant tsunami covered most of the earth’s land. We don’t know for sure if the entire land was under water at all or if any people survived, except Noah and his companions, whom he took on the ark. It is clear that there were no survivors of Noah’s own civilization. But there may have been survivors from people who lived in other parts of the globe, on the periphery. At least, nowhere does the Quran say that everyone died and that the flood covered the whole earth.

There is other evidence that thousands of years ago, there was a global highly developed magical civilization, subsequently destroyed by some cataclysm. Because very ancient cult constructions are found worldwide, and they simply could not have been built by the “primitive hunters and gatherers” that the official science inhabits that world. And so, Egypt, which is more or less historically known to us, was a continuation or revival of that magical civilization. And we have it in the hadith that there were only two global Prophets – Noah and Muhammad (S). This means that the civilization of Noah spread in one way or another to the whole earth.

If this hypothesis is correct, the Flood happened so that the center of Noah’s civilization (conditional “Atlantis”) simply sank to the ocean floor. The whole continent between America, Europe, and Africa (where the Atlantic Ocean is now) sunk to the bottom. The rest of the globe’s continents were partially submerged – to the point that in Africa, the head of the Sphinx was above water, starting from the chin, so this part was better preserved. According to Plato, Atlantis was west of the Pillars of Hercules. He describes it as having been swallowed by the sea in one day, along with its inhabitants, during a great earthquake accompanied by a flood. Plato gives the time of the catastrophe as “9,000 years ago,” that is, according to modern chronology, about 9,500 years B.C.

The Quran describes this catastrophe as the waters converging from above and below. It looks exactly like a picture of such a cataclysm. Because of the shifting of the tectonic plate, a flow of water is formed from above, that is, a giant tsunami, to which is added a flow of water from below, caused by the sinking of the continent into the ocean. And it is clear that the tsunami from such a tremendous catastrophe must have entirely or partially covered all the other continents for a time, and therefore the flood is called a “world flood.”

So far, this theory has not been recognized by official science, although there is more and more evidence for it, and perhaps one day, the official historiography will collapse under their weight, and the entire past of humankind will have to be revised. Just as the existence of Troy was once considered a myth until Schliemann dug it up.

Anyway… We have mentioned this for general information, as a hypothesis about the existence of civilizations older than the Sumerian one. If all this is true, two things would have to be said. First, that a whole chapter in human history is missing. Where official science puts some “primitive hunters and gatherers,” there was an advanced global civilization based on magical knowledge. But most importantly, it puts an end to the false concept of some kind of human “evolution” that has been hammered into the heads of modern people since school.

The first volume of Amin Ramin’s “Man in Islam” can be purchased on Amazon at this link.

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