Man in Islam

Volume 1 of the book “Man in Islam. Inner Dimensions of Prophetic Tradition” is available at this link on Amazon:

So, in general terms, we fathomed the program of paganism, the great shirk, the program of contemplators in world history. It consists of removing the human Haikel and dissolving man in cosmic streams. And we said that schizophrenia and pagan practices are very similar phenomena, are two overlapping fields…
But here a question may arise. How the Prophets differ from the same shamans? And what is the guarantee that the Prophets themselves did not suffer from the same illness as to have some strange visions? You know that many anti-Islamic resources contain slander that, allegedly our Prophet (S) was a schizophrenic… After all, he heard certain voices, saw certain visions, and then told people about it… I apologize to the Seal of the Prophets Muhammad (S) for the fact that I retell this, but, according to the hadith, “retelling kufr is not kufr”… If such accusations exist, then we must answer them.

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So, I want to say two things here. First off, schizophrenia is an occult disease associated with the destruction of the filters of consciousness, as a result of which it plunges into the ocean of surplus worlds. As long as this disease is viewed from the standpoint of materialistic science, it will continue to deceive the researchers again and again.
Second, there is a clear connection between schizophrenia and what we call “paganism”. We said that the task of paganism is to remove the filters of the human Haikel, the human structure, so that the “human” himself would be abolished, dissolved in some elements of the cosmos. We see all the same in schizophrenia, with the only difference that the schizophrenic does not control this process.

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And this is the answer to very important question about predestination. This is what Abrahamic religions often reproach for: that there is supposedly no freedom here, that people here are just pawns in the game of the almighty God, blind tools of His plan… Opponents of the monotheistic paradigm paint such a caricatured picture that God is an almighty tyrant who quite arbitrarily condemns some His creatures to eternal torment, the other – in the eternal bliss… Who also created all the evil and disadvantages of this world… I mean, God knows evil and all disadvantages of this world, but to enjoy it, as if playing chess with Satan…
In reality this is absolutely not the case. Allah created people and gave them freedom. They move from world to world, responding to His call, to His taklif, to His program, and thereby defining for themselves those cosmic regions into which they ultimately end up – in Heaven or Hell, up or down. When passing from world to world, Allah creates them in accordance with the choice they have made in the previous world. During the transition to our world, we were created in accordance with the choice that we made in the world of Zarr, and during the transition to the future world, we will be created in accordance with the choice that we made in this world.

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Allah created every thing according to the degree of its own acceptance of being (its answer in the first creation, the world of Zarr), that is, the way it chose for itself, and the one who chose the form of obedience – He gave it to him, and the one who chose form of disobedience – He gave it to him.
This is the interpretation and mystery of the words of the Messenger of Allah (S): “The feathers dried up, and the predestinated was fulfilled.ˮ He was asked: “And what then acts?ˮ He said: “Do the deeds, because everyone will be facilitated what he was created for.ˮ That is: everyone will be facilitated for what he was created for in accordance with his own choice. And this is the word of Allah: “But they were not to believe in that which they had denied before” (10: 74) – that is, in the world of Zarr.
And it is also not the case that Allah created good people out of light, and evil people out of darkness, but the truth is that Allah created everyone according to the degree of his acceptance or rejection of the light, that is, depending on his own answer in the world of Taklif… Submission to Allah returns the light from which all creations were created to its truth, and disobedience, on the contrary, turns this light into darkness. In other words, Allah made every good person good because of his own goodness and made every evil person evil because of his own evil.

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This Haikel of Tawhid is the prototype of man, in the image and likeness of which he was created. Christians say that man was created in the image and likeness of God. But this is not true, because God has no image nor likeness. Man was created in the image and likeness of the highest creation of God, from the reflection of the radiance of His light… This is true. And here is the source of Adam.

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Now let’s talk about, perhaps, the most mysterious phenomenon that we can only meet in our experience. Time. What is time?
When this question arises, an ordinary person, a layman, would say that time is a clock… The hand is ticking, this is time… It was yesterday, it is today, then it will be tomorrow – this is time… Obviously, what the clock shows us is not time, it is just a means of measuring time…

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Now, what is death? We have said that our body and our brain are filters that limit our true consciousness, the center of which is located in the “speaking intelligent soul”. The brain filters what this soul sees, feels and thinks. It’s as if we are all wearing sort of a diving suit, through which we come into contact with the world around us. So, death is like taking off this suit, after which the world appears before us as it is. Death is a reset of filters.

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Allah says that, He breathed into Adam from this very spirit. Spirit is nafha, inhalation from Allah. What does “inhalation” mean? This is one of the symbols of the Quran. It is clear that Allah has no mouth and no breath, so that He breathes something into a person in the literal sense. No, “inhalation” here, means that from something, of some foundation, a line stretched, as if a ray. Therefore, Allah says: “And breathed into him – into Adam – of My spiritˮ. Not the whole spirit, but some part, some spark of (or from) it. That is, Allah directed a ray into a person from this foundation, from this common Spirit, which He tied to Himself, saying: min ruhi – “of My spirit”. Of (or from) this great Spirit. There are, as it were, many rays going in opposite directions from one light source…

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So, there is consciousness, there is reason, there is a rational soul, responsible for the formation of meanings, and there is self-awareness, there is spirit, Ruh, responsible for managing them. We not only form, grasp the meanings, but also contemplate them, organize them, manage them. It is the spirit that is responsible for moral evaluations, for the choice of a life strategy.

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Man in islam

In this lecture series we will discuss issues related to man (humans), his life and death, his structure and composition. These matters in principle, will interest everyone, whether Muslim or not. Where did we come from? What is the meaning of life? Where are we going to? What is death and is there life after death? And if so, what will happen there? How does a human being function? What is soul and what is spirit? How does a person think? How does he get to know the world around him?

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