Man in Islam

Volume 1 of the book “Man in Islam. Inner Dimensions of Prophetic Tradition” is available at this link on Amazon:

We continue to analyze the story of Adam. After the Almighty taught him all the names and told the angels to prostrate before him, He said, “O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat therefrom in ease and abundance from wherever you will. But do not approach this Tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers” (2: 35).
Where did all this take place? In Barzakh. Or, to put it another way, in the world of mithal, the world of ʻimagesʼ. The paradise of Adam was in Barzakh, it was not the paradise of the future world, because whoever enters the paradise of the future world (akhira) will never leave it…

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Let’s continue to reflect on the story of Adam and the forbidden tree, because this story contains a kind of cipher or key to everything that happens to humankind on this earth.

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Therefore, when they say: why is there evil in the world, why is it so imperfect? Why do people suffer, why children suffer, and all that … Couldn’t God have created a more perfect world? – then all these objections are the result of ignorance. God can do anything. But to create a world without evil would be inconsistent with His wisdom and justice. Because this would mean that He simply threw the evil creatures into Hell without an argument over them, without them somehow showing themselves and without even giving them the opportunity to correct themselves…

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And here it must be said that the true understanding of shirk in the Quran is fundamentally different from that which is now accepted on the plane of what is today called ʻIslamʼ. Because today it is generally accepted that the shirk are idols and all that. Worshiping them is the sin that the Almighty will never forgive … According to this understanding, today there are not so many polytheists in the world, because almost no one worships idols so directly, no one says that there are two gods, three gods or many gods.

But in fact, according to the true understanding, according to the hadiths of the Infallible Imams (A), a much deeper thing is meant here…

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The second extremely esoteric verse is the 35th ayat of surah “The Light.” Let’s read it:

“Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly star: lit from blessed tree, an olive neither of the East nor of the West, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire. Light upon light”.

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I must say from the get go that, this verse, plus the 35th verse of sura “The Light” – these two ayats (verses) are central to the Quran in terms of understanding the true position of the Messenger of Allah (S) and his Ahl ul-Beit (A), the People of his House.
Both ayats are extremely symbolic, encrypted, extremely esoteric, so without explanatory hadiths from the Family of the Prophet (S), there is nothing to do, as they say, and it is simply impossible to comprehend anything. Let’s now, based on the hadiths, make some explanations to these verses in order to – at least – slightly open the veil on this topic …

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… And these are the six stages of prophecy. The call of Adam corresponds to the seed (nutfa), the call of Nuh to the clot (alaka), the call of Ibrahim to the lump (mudgha), the call of Musa to the bones (izam), and the call of Isa to the flesh (lahm).
Finally, at the last stage, which is the call of Muhammad (S), the spirit is breathed into this structure, into this embryo. After the spirit is breathed into a person, he does not lose touch with it until he dies: in the same way, the Revelation and Sharia of Muhammad (S) will exist until the end of this world, until the Day of Judgment.
These are the six stages in the formation of the embryo and the six stages in the formation of human history. At the level of the macrocosm, they correspond to the six stages of the creation of the world: “It is Allah who created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in six days” (32: 4)…

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The modern world, also called ʻmodernityʼ, as you know, is very proud of its ʻprogressʼ, of its ʻknowledgeʼ, and generally believes that it is moving forward, from worse to better, breaking with an unreasonable, dark past … But if we look at the Western civilization, which has already become global today, we will see that it develops somehow extremely one-sided, that it is built on a radical break with what can be called a ʻsacred perspectiveʼ, with the highest dimensions of human existence. In all its aspects, it is aimed at the material, external, empirical world. We have here a social order focused on progress in the material world (ʻconsumer societyʼ); an economy preoccupied with increasing the production of wealth; a science that accepts exclusively data from material sensory experience, which can be measured and calculated…

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…That is, it was Tree of the universe, Tree of knowledge, which belongs to Ahl ul-Bait (A), thus Aliin, the Highest ones, that Allah asked Iblis about: astakbarta aw kunta mina al-Aliin – “O Iblees, what prevented you from prostrating to that which I created with My hands? Are you arrogant, or are you from among the Highest ones?” (38: 75). And approaching this Tree or eating from it, is like ʻclimbing upʼ the ladder of creation. “But come not near this Tree” – that is, do not desire the position of Ahl al-Bait, the Fourteen Infallibles.

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…They live in our own world, but existing in a different level – in the realm of fire. “And the Jinn did We create aforetime of essential fire” (15: 27). There are the same things that are in our experience, only we see these things in the “earth” mode, that is, solid and unchanging, and they see them in the “fire” mode, that is, constantly changing, like a set of instant metamorphoses and flashs, like something transparent and glowing. We, people, in our usual state do not see their world – or rather, not the world, but the regime of the world, because their world is the same as ours…

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