Author Archives: aminramin

The modern world, also called ʻmodernityʼ, as you know, is very proud of its ʻprogressʼ, of its ʻknowledgeʼ, and generally believes that it is moving forward, from worse to better, breaking with an unreasonable, dark past … But if we look at the Western civilization, which has already become global today, we will see that it develops somehow extremely one-sided, that it is built on a radical break with what can be called a ʻsacred perspectiveʼ, with the highest dimensions of human existence. In all its aspects, it is aimed at the material, external, empirical world. We have here a social order focused on progress in the material world (ʻconsumer societyʼ); an economy preoccupied with increasing the production of wealth; a science that accepts exclusively data from material sensory experience, which can be measured and calculated…

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2020 differs from all other years in that it took off “all and every masks.” If a year ago people were told what has become reality today, they would call it “a dream” or “delirium of a madman.”

The essence of what happened in 2020 is that the technical system turned against human who created it…

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In the Book of Revelation (also called the Apocalypse of John), chapter 12, we read:
“And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun (that is, Fatima); and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars (that is, twelve Imams)…

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…That is, it was Tree of the universe, Tree of knowledge, which belongs to Ahl ul-Bait (A), thus Aliin, the Highest ones, that Allah asked Iblis about: astakbarta aw kunta mina al-Aliin – “O Iblees, what prevented you from prostrating to that which I created with My hands? Are you arrogant, or are you from among the Highest ones?” (38: 75). And approaching this Tree or eating from it, is like ʻclimbing upʼ the ladder of creation. “But come not near this Tree” – that is, do not desire the position of Ahl al-Bait, the Fourteen Infallibles.

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…They live in our own world, but existing in a different level – in the realm of fire. “And the Jinn did We create aforetime of essential fire” (15: 27). There are the same things that are in our experience, only we see these things in the “earth” mode, that is, solid and unchanging, and they see them in the “fire” mode, that is, constantly changing, like a set of instant metamorphoses and flashs, like something transparent and glowing. We, people, in our usual state do not see their world – or rather, not the world, but the regime of the world, because their world is the same as ours…

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So, in general terms, we fathomed the program of paganism, the great shirk, the program of contemplators in world history. It consists of removing the human Haikel and dissolving man in cosmic streams. And we said that schizophrenia and pagan practices are very similar phenomena, are two overlapping fields…
But here a question may arise. How the Prophets differ from the same shamans? And what is the guarantee that the Prophets themselves did not suffer from the same illness as to have some strange visions? You know that many anti-Islamic resources contain slander that, allegedly our Prophet (S) was a schizophrenic… After all, he heard certain voices, saw certain visions, and then told people about it… I apologize to the Seal of the Prophets Muhammad (S) for the fact that I retell this, but, according to the hadith, “retelling kufr is not kufr”… If such accusations exist, then we must answer them.

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So, I want to say two things here. First off, schizophrenia is an occult disease associated with the destruction of the filters of consciousness, as a result of which it plunges into the ocean of surplus worlds. As long as this disease is viewed from the standpoint of materialistic science, it will continue to deceive the researchers again and again.
Second, there is a clear connection between schizophrenia and what we call “paganism”. We said that the task of paganism is to remove the filters of the human Haikel, the human structure, so that the “human” himself would be abolished, dissolved in some elements of the cosmos. We see all the same in schizophrenia, with the only difference that the schizophrenic does not control this process.

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Since these days all world news revolves around events related to the elections in the United States, I want to add a few words here. It will not be about political forecasts and generally not about who will ultimately prevail in this battle. Let’s try to look at the root of what is happening. For this we need to step back, but not ten or even a hundred years…

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And this is the answer to very important question about predestination. This is what Abrahamic religions often reproach for: that there is supposedly no freedom here, that people here are just pawns in the game of the almighty God, blind tools of His plan… Opponents of the monotheistic paradigm paint such a caricatured picture that God is an almighty tyrant who quite arbitrarily condemns some His creatures to eternal torment, the other – in the eternal bliss… Who also created all the evil and disadvantages of this world… I mean, God knows evil and all disadvantages of this world, but to enjoy it, as if playing chess with Satan…
In reality this is absolutely not the case. Allah created people and gave them freedom. They move from world to world, responding to His call, to His taklif, to His program, and thereby defining for themselves those cosmic regions into which they ultimately end up – in Heaven or Hell, up or down. When passing from world to world, Allah creates them in accordance with the choice they have made in the previous world. During the transition to our world, we were created in accordance with the choice that we made in the world of Zarr, and during the transition to the future world, we will be created in accordance with the choice that we made in this world.

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…In this regard, Macron or the forces behind Macron are on the internal plane exactly the same forces that drive the confessors of the first part of the Shahada without its second part – or, in other words, Islam without Ahl ul-Beit. Looking in each other’s mirror, they see the same grin of the total Nothingness.

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