Author Archives: aminramin

…So, humanity should reach a state where it realizes that it cannot govern itself. Allah’s program for the descendants of Adam will come to a point where the transition to the next level must take place. And it will come through the Imam. To put it another way: the usual history will come to an end. The history of the descendants of Adam, who were left to their own forces, their own games, their own power, will end. Because it will become clear: everything that the descendants of Adam did, built, thought, created AT ALL – it all turned out to be zero, ended in a total failure. And when this becomes clear – then the Imam will come with a divine rule.

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And just as if a lamp reflected in a mirror were removed from this mirror, there would be no reflection at all and only the empty form of the mirror itself would remain, so the distortion of Allah’s creation and the human Heikel leads to madness, that is, the destruction of the human form, which we have already talked about and which both Stirner and Nietzsche eventually ended with. And in a broader sense: the movement of nihilism and deontologization that has led Western civilization to become a virtual society of masks and guises is the same movement of breaking with the fitra and the existential basis (the lamp in our example) – when only the outer forms of black crooked mirrors reflecting themselves remain. And so the madness of these philosophers was not accidental: it corresponded to the madness of Western civilization itself.

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We said that modern Western civilization is, first of all, a system of material power over this physical world. It is based on a fear of reality, projected outward as the will to power. It seeks to grab this world by the hair, to shackle it into a rigid system of concepts, rules, laws, and then technical means, like all these wires, machines, murder weapons, etc.
Let us now take a sort of excursion through Western schools of philosophy to see together a confirmation of what we have said.

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In these parts of our series, we are identifying the basic structural elements of Western thinking, which are essentially the “programming codes” that every Westerner or, more broadly, every modern person relies on without even knowing what they are or where they came from. Any modern man, be he a banker, a hired manager, a physicist, or a driver, has some kind of programming code in his head, even if he has not read Augustine, Descartes or Kant and does not know who they are. His consciousness nevertheless works according to the program of modernity…

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…And so, it is said that the best deed on the night of Qadr, which is the best night of the month of Ramadan, is to seek knowledge. The “knowledge” here is not simply acquiring some information, in the sense of “learning something new.” What is meant is true knowledge – the knowledge of all knowledge – what Imam Ali (A) called “al-maarifa bi-nuraniya” – “knowledge through light,” that is, knowledge of the truth of Ahl ul-Beit, which is the truth of all things. He who seeks this knowledge will turn the heat of the thirst of fasting into streams of water of sincerity in his heart and, during iftar, sit at the tablecloth of the Imam of Time, Hujjat ibni l-Hasan, may Allah hasten his coming. “And He made fasting an implantation of ikhlas,” according to Fatima Zahra…

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We said that Christianity consists of three elements – Monotheism, Monism, and Dualism. Monotheism in Christianity is associated with the so-called “Old Testament” and the person of the real Jesus the Prophet. The monistic or manifestationistic line is primarily the mythology of the deification of Jesus. But the dualistic component is what concerns the negation of the world, the division of reality into dual pairs. This is what we call the “Black Myth.”
It is these “black” elements of Christianity that we will deal with in this part of our series. We will look at it through this very prism, which will enable us to answer our question.

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As we can see even from the canonical Christian Gospels, Jesus positioned himself as a Prophet, preaching correction and moral improvement, speaking of the One God of Abrahamic revelation and the threat of punishment for violating moral standards. This is what all the Prophets did. His preaching also often speaks of the approach of the kingdom of God, in which all men are equal and into which everyone can enter, provided he is morally purified and believes in the One God. Jesus’ mission was to transform the Jewish people – in other words, to create a new Israel, a new people of God. He clearly alludes to the “Paraclete” who was to come after him. His purpose was to create a community, forming a kind of “temporary administration” until other sacral figures came who would create the expected kingdom of God.

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The history of early Christianity is a story of rapid success, of which there are few equals. For several centuries, it grew from a marginal sect to a world religion, without the sword’s power or significant economic resources. Its adherents explain this by the “truth of Christ.” But if this were the case, it should have spread to the whole world long ago, whereas we see that Christianity has always remained the religion of the Roman Empire and the states and civilizations formed on its ruins…

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This part of the series is called “Modern Western Civilization.” It may seem strange that we have jumped straight from ancient religions and myths to modernity with its technology, “progress,” and all such things. After all, how do dualistic myths relate to modern rockets and computers? No way, it seems. But there is an inner connection and a very close one. From the inside, things don’t look the same as the outside. Most people live in external reality, in a “matrix,” without seeing the inner connections between things. It’s like when a person looks at a car and thinks it moves because of the hood or the roof. He does not understand that it has a motor inside that moves the whole structure. This will gradually become clearer, and we will put everything in its place so that there will be complete clarity about what the modern world is, where it came from, and how it functions. But in order to do that, we’ll have to clarify many things, which is what we’re going to do now.

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Analysis of Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Gnosticism, Hinduism and Kabbalah.

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