
…And so, it is said that the best deed on the night of Qadr, which is the best night of the month of Ramadan, is to seek knowledge. The “knowledge” here is not simply acquiring some information, in the sense of “learning something new.” What is meant is true knowledge – the knowledge of all knowledge – what Imam Ali (A) called “al-maarifa bi-nuraniya” – “knowledge through light,” that is, knowledge of the truth of Ahl ul-Beit, which is the truth of all things. He who seeks this knowledge will turn the heat of the thirst of fasting into streams of water of sincerity in his heart and, during iftar, sit at the tablecloth of the Imam of Time, Hujjat ibni l-Hasan, may Allah hasten his coming. “And He made fasting an implantation of ikhlas,” according to Fatima Zahra…

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Truth (haqq) in the Quran is one of the names of Ali (A). When the Quran says ʻthe truthʼ (haqq), then this word either directly means Ali (A), or somehow refers to Ali (A). Now we will cite the relevant verses and see how they relate to each other and explain each other…

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Of course, a huge number of other verses were revealed about Ali (A), as it is explained in the Sunnah, but this is another question. Now we are only interested in the mention of the very name of Commander of the Faithful (A).
Let’s point out two mentions of the name Ali (A)…

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2020 differs from all other years in that it took off “all and every masks.” If a year ago people were told what has become reality today, they would call it “a dream” or “delirium of a madman.”

The essence of what happened in 2020 is that the technical system turned against human who created it…

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In the Book of Revelation (also called the Apocalypse of John), chapter 12, we read:
“And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun (that is, Fatima); and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars (that is, twelve Imams)…

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Since these days all world news revolves around events related to the elections in the United States, I want to add a few words here. It will not be about political forecasts and generally not about who will ultimately prevail in this battle. Let’s try to look at the root of what is happening. For this we need to step back, but not ten or even a hundred years…

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…In this regard, Macron or the forces behind Macron are on the internal plane exactly the same forces that drive the confessors of the first part of the Shahada without its second part – or, in other words, Islam without Ahl ul-Beit. Looking in each other’s mirror, they see the same grin of the total Nothingness.

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