About the essence of what is happening in America

About the essence of what is happening in America

Since these days all world news revolves around events related to the elections in the United States, I want to add a few words here. It will not be about political forecasts and generally not about who will ultimately prevail in this battle. Let’s try to look at the root of what is happening. For this we need to step back, but not ten or even a hundred years.

Approximately five centuries ago, Western (white, Christian) peoples made the fateful choice in favor of building a technical or “modernˮ civilization. How this choice came about and what was behind it, I considered in detail in the cycle “Man in Islamˮ, as well as “Language, Letters and Names.ˮ I will not repeat myself here. What matters to us now is not how it happened, but the fact that it eventually happened.

Technical civilization is a project of building an artificial world that totally runs counter to human Fitra, that is, a set of natural qualities on which the very being called “human” is built (gender, family, honor, faith, ethics, good and evil). The human society here turns into a machine for the production of technical efficiency. The essence of the modern era, as Nietzsche defined it, is the will to power, expressed in the movement of material progress and permanent technical expansion.

Western civilization has succeeded in the most perfect way to realize the dream of mankind about power over this mortal world. Old societies, like decrepit shacks, fell to their knees one by one, unable to withstand the forces of iron and wires. The technical civilization was doomed to success. But here, at the point of its maximum success, the following thing came to light. It turned out that it is no longer man who controls these forces, but they control him. Technology penetrated inside him and killed him from the inside. In a trend, this will lead to the death of man as a creature and his replacement by cyborgs, robots, and artificial intelligence.

One of the archetypal plots of Modernity is the legend of Frankenstein. In the novel by Mary Shelley, published in 1818, a mad scientist who mastered the secret of life collects a monster from pieces of corpses, which begins to pursue him. In full accordance with this legend, the modern Technology, created by Western man, is getting out of his control. Modern man is already its slave, not its master.

Another basic plot of this civilization is the legend of Faust. Spengler even called Western civilization itself  “Faustian,ˮ and Thomas Mann, in his fundamental late novel, chose Faust as its symbol. Faust is a black magician who sold his soul to the devil for the sake of power in this world. According to the legend, he gets the opportunity to rise to unprecedented heights at the cost of a deal with Satan.

However, having chosen the project of technical civilization and invested in it to the maximum, the Western (white) man was not always willing to pay the bills. Having made a deal with Satan, he refused to quietly give his soul. From time to time, conservative movements were born, raising a revolt – not against the total Technology itself, but against the consequences that it brings with it. The white man did not want to “cancel himself” so simply and without a fight, dissolving in anonymous technical flows. He saw that his Fitra was being destroyed, that the institutions of family, upbringing, ethics and gender were dying. He saw all this, but point-blank refused to notice the true reasons for this state of affairs, shifting them to “Freemasonsˮ, “Jewsˮ, “Coloredˮ, etc.

Trumpism is another movement of this kind. Trump’s main electorate is made up of white residents of the American hinterland and small towns – those who have not yet deviated from Fitra enough not to see where everything is going. Over the 8 years of Democrat Obama’s rule and having witnessed an increasing erosion of identity and traditional institutions, they found their defender in Trump.

On the contrary, Biden’s supporters are concentrated mainly in large cities, which are maximally inscribed in the logic of technical civilization. The attitude of these circles towards Trump and his supporters was expressed by the TV personality and LGBT-activist Monet X Change, calling them “monsters.ˮ By the standards of modern American political correctness, Monet X Change herself is by no means a “monsterˮ, because she has two qualities that put her above any criticism. First, she is a black; second, she is the drag queen, that is, a man who dresses in women’s clothing and requires others to treat him like a woman and respect his/her identity.

Of course, we add, it is impossible to criticize Monet X Change in any way, because he/she/it is the future of Western man and, possibly, the human race in general. But not because Biden, Obama or the World Government want it so. Monet X Change is in the trend of an impersonal, but omnipotent Technology, in the project of which the ancestor of the modern Western man once invested to the maximum. The Technology does not need any identity which interferes with the effective development and free play of its anonymous streams. Man as a creature must be sacrificed, decomposed into elementary components – without gender, without nation, without religion. All these are annoying excesses. And, perhaps, in the future we are no longer waiting for drag queens and LGBT people, but the emergence of new “improved identityˮ creatures, with embedded chips, cleaned up DNA and cybernetic organs. They, too, will demand that their rights be respected. Technology will enter the human being. Those who disagree will be branded as “fascistsˮ and isolated in a ghetto, where drag queens will shoot them from the air with drones, pressing joysticks with laughter, like in computer games.

No civil war, which many predict today, will happen in the United States. Who will fight here? Small cities with big ones, villages with megalopolises, hinterland with a metropolis? And for what purposes will they fight? To destroy the Technology? Nobody even sets such a goal, and it cannot be set, because the dying (white) Western man has not yet come to comprehend the true causes of his crisis and ways to get out of it. It also cannot be completely ruled out that Trump will eventually win in some way. But Trumpism has definitely lost.

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