2020 differs from all other years in that it took off “all and every masks.” If a year ago people were told what has become reality today, they would call it “a dream” or “delirium of a madman.”

The essence of what happened in 2020 is that the technical system turned against human who created it. It, of course, had previously been turned against him, but on this occasion fundamental illusions dominated the overwhelming majority of people. It seemed to them that everything was going for the better, there is progress, “scientists are making new discoveries”, tomorrow it will be better than yesterday … But 2020 became a turning point in the sense that this year, for the first time, the grin of technogenic civilization clearly showed itself for everyone. Modern technology, from which the majority previously benefited (or had the illusion of benefit), has become a weapon of a tiny minority, openly turned against everyone else. Projects of chipization, population reduction, genome manipulation, social rating, total AI control: all this has become not the subject of marginal “conspiracy theories” but a part of our reality.

By 2020, the technical system has reached the “point of singularity” behind which there is an explosive transition to the “post-human world”. The essence of the notorious “pandemic” consisted in reset of the global technical system, which should ensure this transition.

In Islamic eschatology, there is such a significant figure as Dajjal. The word “dajjal” means “deceiver”. “Dajjal” is the one who makes things look different from what they really are: changes truth for false, false for truth.

In the hadiths, Dajjal is described as a figure of the end time. His main features are three:

1. The claim of divinity. According to a hadith from Imam Ali (A), he will declare himself, “I am the one who creates, determines and leads along the straight path. I am your supreme Lord.”

2. Having one eye. Imam Ali (A) says, “His left eye is blind, and the other eye on his forehead, shines like the morning star, and there is a blood clot in it.”

3. Black miracles: “He will open the seas, and the sun will move with him. Before him is a fog mountain, and behind him is a white mountain, which people will consider food. “

For a long time, there has been a debate about these hadiths: is Dajjal a human? Or is it something else? Indeed, some of his signs or descriptions clearly go beyond the boundaries of human qualities and capabilities.

It can be assumed that Dajjal is both: a system and a person. In other words, it is a system of power and control, which immediately before the Appearance of Imam Mahdi will be embodied in a specific person, who will be something like a synthesis of the “emperor of the Earth” with the supreme operator of modern Technology.

The technical system is characterized by all three main features of the Dajjal:

1. The claim of divinity. Modern science and technology were born from the so-called “project of modernity”, one of the foundations of which is a break with God, secularism and belief in the infinite possibilities of man. Man, through secular science and technology, tried to become the master of the earth and all its forces, as if he himself had created it. These “Promethean” claims are one of the main features of the “Modern age” project, from which the globalist technical system has grown: “I am the one who creates, determines and leads along the straight path. I am your supreme Lord.”

2. Having one eye. One eye of the Dajjal is shining, the other is withered and blind. The meaning of these words may lie in the fact that the modern global technical system doesn’t pay attention to what is called “unseen” (gayb), it recognizes only the existence of earthly material forces. The shining eye is power over the material world, the withered one is blindness to the afterlife.

3. Black miracles. The capabilities of modern technology already allow you to change human nature at your own discretion. By introducing nanorobots and microchips into the human body, it is possible to control his behavior and physical capabilities, up to the transformation of people into zombie dolls controlled by neuroimpulses. Through manipulations with the genome, there is the possibility to increase or decrease the lifespan and “turn on” or “turn off” certain abilities. Cloning technologies allow to create a person in a “test tube”, without mom and dad (a black parody of “creation from nothingness”). With the help of digital cloning, it is possible to achieve completely real reproduction of the image and voice of an absent or deceased person (a parody of “resurrection of the dead”). The same can be done in 3D mode. Soon people will not know if the person in front of them is real or his 3D hologram. A further development of a similar technology will be “mind uploading”. By reading the characteristics of a person according to a number of parameters, his clone will be created, acting independently of this person. In the future, the same personality can be implanted into the body of another person, the fantasy here is endless…

It is quite possible to create in the near future technologies that the rest of humanity will not even suspect and which, if applied, will seem to people a real miracle.

So, the essence of what began in 2020 and will take place in the coming years is the self-elimination of humanity. The technical civilization has led to the destruction of the human being, to the complete bankruptcy of the project called “man”. The story of Adam’s descendants is over. Further, not people will act, but the eschatological figures predicted in the religions of revelation.

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